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Showing posts from January, 2019

From dirt to Clay, from dirt to (ceb)compressed earth block

Spread the Cement. You will need about three to four pounds of Portland cement for each square foot of your soil cement  surface . Use a bit less for soils with a lot of sand or gravel, and a bit more for soils with more clay or organic matter. Watch the videos and then let's start building with this material Which product is better—portland cement or hydrated lime—in stabilizing clay soils? In 2003, an investigation was completed that evaluated the performance of portland cement and hydrated lime in stabilization and in improving engineering properties of several soils. Three soils were examined that had Plasticity Index (PI) values of 25, 37, and 42. The following general conclusions can be drawn based upon the investigation performed: 1. For the soil with a PI of 25, portland cement performed better than lime even at dosages as low as 3 percent. For the soils with a PI of 37 and 42, the performance increased significantly when the cement dosage was increased to

Freeze dry your own food or make DIY freeze dryer

If you want to start preparing for the worst one of the best ways is to start buy freeze drying your food oh, now freeze drying vs. Dehydration. The only difference between the two is that freeze-dried last longer than dehydration but is still good. It is a matter of opinion, we're going to take you through the process of freeze drying remember to go over the reference material it just gives you more information than usual the hungry mind gets the most knowledge If you would like more information and videos please follow this link to show me your proof Here's how the  freeze drying  process works: The  food  is quickly  frozen , then put into a strong vacuum. The water in the  food  sublimates, which means it turns from ice into vapor. The result is  freeze dried food  that can be rehydrated with water DIY can you make your own freeze dryer and the answer is yes  Okay just on the fr

10 Rarest Foods In The World

no hard work farming, producing food every 7 days

A crash course in this low-tech easy way to farming which could help with your survival What we mean by crash course is that we could give you literally hundreds of thousands of videos dealing with this type of Micro gardening but we can't give you everything in this particular paper so as you see we added the videos we like most and then the rest are in references enjoy. I can never tell you all the information I know about all these different ways to grow food. But what I'm going to tell you is the fastest and more easiest way to grow food in a small area . Of course these Farms good for emergencies and sustaining life in an emergency. Of course it's not meat and they're not full of sugar the way you expect it to be but you will never go hungry or these lack of energy using this technique. below, closet farming After you watched all the videos you should know that other techniques are most important for you to learn some of them have to do

what's the difference between cold compost and hot compost piles

Hot compost first Cold composting next Remember that media library takes these information and always seeks to upgrade the system, one way that we upgraded our system is to combine a computer system and a rotating wheel into our compost so it's more of a digester. And poops out good compost something that worms do automatically. Then we put it in a cold compost cuz that one was the hot compost, and then add are worms in it to get are worm castings and all the nutrients it needs from Mother Nature of course we add newspaper and cardboard shreddings from our Shredder. Again we also use tea or urine on are compost of course people have a problem about urine from humans so we take that particular compost and we heat it with fire breaking down any bad bacteria in it and then place it back into a compost heap as a layer oh, also give you the charcoal layer or carbon you need to collect good bacteria. Again adding a machine that does all this is just building one and we're n

Free energy is not a conspiracy nor a theory

We had two adds more to this paper about pumping water, the source of all living things is water. Of course energy flows from this system and the Ancients had it so why don't they want you to know that these things exist and can be used. We take the evidence from YouTube thousands people put they're ram pumps on to that programs but they never add a simple water wheel or siphon techniques into their Rim pump. We want to show you that things that run 24 hours in the Roman days could be outfitted in today's Technologies one is an ancient clock II is a pup these two sings should let you know that free energy is not a lie it's just not well known It won't be too hard to add a water wheel on to this pump to make it go back and forth as you seen in previous papers that we wrote. On the below video keep in mind we want you to hear one thing how long did they say this Clockwork is the point now if it did work this long we know that it's power source came from a flow

A lesson in pumping water without electricity for your garden

Of course they haven't learned to use the Wastewater on the ram pump as a water pumping source which will allow them to use the waste water either for a water wheel to turn energy as well as make the pump work. Of course they haven't gotten that sophisticated yet but when YouTube catches up to the work we've been doing soon everyone will do it so we're making a mental note so everyone knows that when you look at these videos we're going to add a few drawings so you understand what me mean No as you seen in the video the water squirting up from the ground we're showing you that number one water wheel is to make those two Rod's pump up and down by force of water coming out of the box. Number to water wheel is the water coming out of the box and turning electricity. There are literally hundreds of different configurations to this design one being that the water can be pumped so the Wastewater is never wasted remember we're using the power of moving

Computerizing your compost, it's possible

It's time that media library give you more of the story, what do I mean more well we always told you that we've coined phrases like over Unity. Which doesn't mean you're getting more power out then you put in, that's goes other guys. But we've always been inventive and finding new ways to improve your life the natural way. Composting as you see can do a very good job heating your greenhouse and your house or whatever but that's just part as you see can do a very good job heating your greenhouse and your house or whatever but that's just part the story, what you're going to have to do is understand what is going on in these compost, and I'm not talkin about the inner workings of compost I'm talking about after I do all of my yard waste goes into a digester and the computer takes over and when it no longer uses expels it out of the system which goes into a secondary system biochar which goes into a third system back into compost to get a natura
YouTube Building with Mud: A Continuum The Nito Project 38,044 views 2K 25 SUBSCRIBE 4.6K Published on Jun 3, 2018 Thanks for watching. There are many ways to do all these building methods and people who specialize in them. This is just to show the difference between some of the methods and how little difference there is in the mix. Thanks goes to my great video team, my brother Kalin Steen - videographer and graphic designer, and my mom Athena Steen - graphic designer, and text editor. Music State of mind by Julian Avila, extended for video. Recipe ratios will vary greatly depending on your soil, but here they are as general reference. Many of these mixes can also be used for things other than what's shown in the video. Mix 1 1 clay, 1 sand, ¼ water Uses: rammed earth, earthen-floor subfloor, earth-bag fill, earthship tire fill Mix 2 1 clay, 1 sand, ½ straw, ½ water Uses: cob Mix 3 1 clay, 1 sand, ½ straw, ¾

Domes technology and its materials

We're going to talk about how to build these domes and what they are constructed with and a new type of concrete, then in a second part will talk about building materials made from common and easy to get materials

Underground doesn't matter if it's a green house or your house listen why

After watching the videos playing sure you look at all the pictures we are about to add to this blog oh, the reason why we tell people to do this sometimes they can't tell how sophisticated the technology is from the videos so we wanted to give you more moderate day examples.  If you understand it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to put the house under ground ubuildit above ground and then put the dirt around it for installation, if you get it then you know that if you do enough dirt around your house and plant grass and shrubberies it is underground. Use this technology and others like it to build your greenhouses Here's some more information if you want to know how to dig holes for yourself for thermal Mass Heating or just having a easier ways to dig underground Or