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Learn to practice Off the Grid living by living in a tent

If you want to learn how to live totally Off the Grid first learn how to live in a tent, which we did now upgrade that tent to meet your luxury needs. Now understand this would be at a college level now use your imagination to upgrade it to a wizard level and you will have something no other person or very few people will even have. But let's start with just living in a tent so you start from first grade and graduated and honorary Wizkid or wizard

Published on Jan 15, 2016
In this video, we give you a tour of a prospector-style, 4-season tent that is completely off-grid. The tent is built with two layers of weather-proof canvas stretched over a wooden frame and is equipped with a double combustion wood stove for heat, a solar panel to power 1 LED light, and a propane fridge to keep food cool during the summer months. The tent is separated into 4 quarters: dining room, kitchen, sleeping area, and woodstove/living room. There's also an outhouse, barbecue and picnic table outside. Measuring approx. 15 x 18 feet, this tent would make a very comfortable tiny house, although we would make a couple of changes to make it more liveable over the long-term, including the addition of an indoor composting toilet, a couch in front of the fireplace, larger windows, and a more powerful solar system so that we could power more than 1 light. This tent is a rental unit in Gatineau Park that can be accessed by snowshoeing or cross-country skiing in Winter, or hiking/cycling in Summer. For more information about renting a 4-season tent (or yurt) in Gatineau Park, visit the NCC website here:


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